CAN ULTIMATE PEACE POSSIBLE IN THIS WORLD? The answer is no. the world is not a utopia or a paradise. in the Muslim point of view, the world is a testing place. according to your actions, you will be rewarded or punished in the afterlife. now the question is how anyone can be tested if everything is alright? from the beginning of the history of mankind, there was good and evil and it will continue up to end of mankind. the struggle between good and evil either in anyone's inside and outside( our community) is the testing ground. yes, there may be a relative period of peace, but certainly, it will short. you may read thousand of book, bring new ideas but the truth is new problems will keep coming in life. and the solution lies in your perception of the problem. for me, Islam is the religion, which gives the best perception about life.focus of Islam is improving human day by day from inside. but it does not guarantee you everything will be alright, rather it will tea