
Showing posts from February, 2022

Scientifically Proven Foods To Boost Your Mood, reduce anxiety and depression

1. BANANAS-contains vit b6, fresh your mood 2.FATTY FISH-omega 3 and depression 3.COFFE-mood boosting 4.FERMENTED FOOD- yugurt,kimchi 5.BERRIES-reduce tension 6.NUTS AND SEEDS-mood boosting 7.BEANS NAD LENTILS-vit B 8.SPINACH AND AVACADO-mood control 9.PEPPERS-vit c 10.SWEET POTATOES-vit A,b1,A6 11) dark chocolate 12) oats

IKIGAI ,Japanese belief

Japanese believe if you follow these ten rules you will live a happy, healthy, and long life: 1. Stay active and don't retire 2. Take it slow 3. Don't fill your stomach 4. Surround yourself with good friends 5. Get in shape for your next birthday 6. Smile 7. Reconnect with nature 8. Give thanks 9. Live in the moment 10. Follow your IKIGAI

Dostoyevsky quotes


Nazim Hikmet quotes
