keep your bank account secure from fraud

 Here are 10 tips to help you keep your bank account secure from fraud:

1. Make sure you’re on the right website or app.

Ensure that you’re really on your bank or financial institution’s website or app, not an imposter site, when you’re checking balances or making deposits and transfers. You can find Popular Bank’s website address on the back of your debit card or bank statement. Only conduct online transactions through that website to protect your financial security.

2. Make sure apps are verified.

Only download verified apps from reputable websites, such as the App Store or Google Play.

3. Be certain that any link is real.

As mentioned, links to banking/financial institutions are often phishing scams. Instead of clicking, a better option is to go directly to the Popular Bank website or use the authorized Popular Bank mobile app.

4. Do not send financial or sensitive information via email.

Since your message is not securely encrypted, it can easily be intercepted by hackers and then used to access your account.

5. Do not lend your debit or credit card to anyone.

It’s tempting to hand off your card to your partner if they’re just going to the grocery store or to your kid for a night out with friends – and it’s just as easy for them to misplace it. The best way to keep your financial information secure is to be the only person in charge of it.

6. Protect your passwords.

Make your username, PIN, and passwords difficult to guess. If your PIN is “1234” and your password is “Password,” you’re inviting hackers to rip you off – don’t make it easy for them. Passwords should be difficult to remember with a combination of upper- and lower-case letters, numbers, and symbols. And remember to regularly change your passwords every 90 days.

7. Use two-factor authentication.

Consider two-factor or multifactor authentication to reduce your risk of being hacked. This security measure involves having you provide at least two different factors to verify your identity, such as a special code sent to your phone, or, with some financial institutions,
you can also use voice-print technology.

8. Turn on account alerts.

Sign up for alerts to receive real-time text message notifications with each transaction’s location, as well as the purchase amount and the time it was made. This way, you can immediately report potential fraud.

9. Use your device’s built-in security features.

Set up your phone’s built-in security functions that are a feature of your device’s software to protect data. If your phone is lost or stolen, you can track your device, disable it and wipe it remotely to keep all your information protected.

10. Regularly update your devices and systems.

It can be a bit annoying to change your passwords every three months or to run software and virus updates on your phone or computer. But they’re available for a reason – and scammers are counting on you to put this important chore off for “another time.”  COLLECTED


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