Don't judge them


People make mistakes.

Even good people do. In fact, most of the good people in this world make mistakes he/she or the people who love him/her would never imagine. ......................................... Don't judge them when they do so. Because most of them are sorry for that. Most of them have deep-seated guilt for the wrong they have done in their life. Most of them will refrain from it and won't do it again. ........................................ But they need our help. They need to heal. They need time. They need our trust. Our forgiveness. They need our shoulders to cry on. They don't like the person they have become. They want to change. ............................................. Never judge a person dear to you by only one mistake or one wrong he/she has done in life. Even if he/she has killed someone. Assess him by the person he has been for the last 10/20/30 yrs. Good people make a mistake but only criminals make repeated and constant mistakes. ............................................ Don't lose your loved ones just because of one evil stuff he has done. Forgive and forget if it is not repetitive. ........................................ If God can forgive, why can't we? We all will need forgiveness in front of God one day, so let's forgive our dear ones so that God remembers this and forgives us on a day that will matter the most.

by dr khusal


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