Identity crisis among Gen Z


Identity crisis among Gen Z - summarizing my clinical experience :

........................................................... Some of us don't have any specific identity. We want to fit in everywhere. This creates a huge emotional void. One of the main causes of this emptiness is that they try to follow everybody and please everyone. ..................................... Let me be very specific. Suppose in social media you follow both sadman sadik and salman muqtadir. Or you follow yahia amin and rakin absar. Or you follow shusama reza and sakib bin rashid both. Firstly, I need to say that I admire all of their work. No doubt they are all talented human beings. I have no interest in their personal lives. We all should be respectful to everyone in our everyday work. ..................................... But it's important to understand that they don't have the same values. The lifestyle and values that they preach are very very different. Suppose, you are a religious person who wants to go to heaven. So you pray namaz and follow religious people. God bless ur efforts. But at the same time, you follow someone on social media who directly or indirectly promotes extreme liberalism, extreme feminism, and LG.... stuff. Well, my friend, it's suicidal for you to do that. Most of you are not even mature enough to understand that u r very hiddenly taking their values. You become a namazi who supports vulgarity and shamelessness. And that makes u feel like a hypocrite at the end of the day. Most of you don't even have the knowledge to know that u e living a life like a hypocrite. ................................ Why do you do that? Because u want to be accepted by everyone. What you don't understand is you will never be accepted by everyone. But in the process, you will lose both. You will lose your identity and not ever get accepted by people of other values. So at the end of the day, u become an emotional বো**দা, who fails to understand where he/she belongs. We all belong to a tribe. We all are biased. And it's ok to be like that. We cant fit in everywhere in this world. You cant make relationships like them, you cant marry like them, you cant date like them, you can't raise your children like them. So why do you leave your identity and try to be like them? ................................ Similarly, if you are not religious, do not try to make religious people happy. You will never fit in. Live your own life the way you want. Just be respectful towards everyone. ............................... Saying that we all must understand that we live in a society where there will be different kinds of people having different values. We must and must be respectful and tolerant towards everyone as long as they don't cross the line and preach what they want to preach. Criticism is ok, but voices should never be stopped. .................................. I hope you all understand this message with wisdom and tolerance. I am not promoting hate, you have your own choice to follow anyone and anything. Just don't follow everything and everyone. Find your root and stick to them being respectful towards everyone.
by dr kushal


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