A psychiatrist can't treat Stupidity


A psychiatrist can treat mental illness very well.

But he can't treat - 1. Stupidity 2. Laziness 3. Lack of common sense 4. Arrogance 5. Irresponsibility 6. Cowardness 7. Bad character 8. Lying 9. Sexual perversion 10. Carelessness ............................................................... a psychiatrist can only aware you about the above problems, but it's up to you to help yourself on a personal level. Kindly have healthy expectations when you go to visit a psychiatrist. they are not allowed or capable of dealing with all the problems of your life. Don't think your life problems are psychological problems. Get up and fix your life asap. You only have one life to live. Make the best out of it.

by dr khusal,psychiatrist

for girls.....

 I appreciate the fact that you want to get married and live a family life.

But marriage should not be the only purpose of your life. Try to finish your studies and do something so that you can earn a bit. Even if you get married - your husband can die or he can leave you. So, try to independent as much as possible not only financialy but also emotionaly. A good husband is a blessing but not all are blessed with it. So, don't rely upon that too much. But if you are blessed with a good husband in future, try to be a family person and have patience in building your career. Don't rush and don't compete with the people around you. I sincerely request parents to support their daughters in these times of confusion and conflict. I never get the idea why parents in subcontinent think that they need to marry off their daughters at any cost ?! A married life is noy easy, plz help your daughters to cope with it. Love them, don't leave them. collected


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