start by praying Fazr every morning


You are a believer and you want to go to Jannah.

But you are sad and frustrated because you are not serious about the rituals you need to do. You are confused about where to start. ............................................................ Just start by praying Fazr every morning. Your life will change within a week and you will be under the protection and Rahma of Allah.

Question from a student of psychiatry : Hello Kushal vaia, how can I build something like company x? What has driven you? Answer : My father was an engineer, but he never forced me to be an engineer. I choose to be a doctor. I choose psychiatry when I could have chosen medicine or surgery which is more common among doctors. I have left a lot of things in life just to do what I wanted to do and I found my family support. I have rejected a monobosho scholarship in japan. I didn't join army just before the day of joining. I have 't given bcs which most doctors would do. I got married at 21 and had my first child at 23. I didn't give an ear to what society had to say about this. I started lifespring from nothing and kept on taking risks. Some worked out, and some didn't. I took risks in life for the things that mattered to me and i still have that mindset. It's just one life we'll live and we gotta try the things we love doing and have patience. My parents and my wife trusted me and supported all my decisions in life & Allah has been extremely kind. BY dr kushal


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